Wednesday, March 18, 2009

17-year-old LESBIAN sues to wear tuxedo to prom.

Cerite ini sdiket sebanyak mencuit benak sanubariku.. =D

Pelik tp agak menarik..

I just can't wrap my head around the fact that in this day and age, gay teenagers continue to face discrimination, by public officials no less. Also: Who cares what a girl or boy wears to the prom, as long as it's dressy and none of his or her bits is hanging out?

Anyway..berita ini telah dilaporkan pada minggu lepas iaitu pada 12 Mac 2009, dimana seorg pelajar dr Indiana memfailkan saman terhadap sekolah tinggi beliau selepas beliau dilarang memakai tuxedo di majlis tari menari sekolah beliau..

TUX ini hanya utk lelaki =]

Pelajar tersebut, yang namanya tidak dinyatakn adalah golongan MINOR (dimana golongan ini ialah golongan bawah umur) telah meng'identifykan' diri beliau adalah seorang LESBIAN and she doesn't wear dresses because they represent a "sexual identity she rejects." This became a problem because the school's dress code required that female students wear formal gowns to the big dance, without exception.

isn't it nice? ini utk GURLS (^_*)

Sehubungan dengan itu, "The American Civil Liberties Union of Indiana" telah membantu pelajar ini mendakwa sekolah tersebut diatas dakwaan:

1) Diskriminasi terhadap jantina

2)Dan pelanggaran perjanjian hak bersuara bagi pelajar2 senior di sekolah itu.

Selepas perbicaraan ini, mereka telah menggubal kod etika berpakaian (antiquated dress code).

Sepintas lalu keputusan perbicaraan kes ini:-
"School policy for this year's prom will be that all attendees shall wear appropriate formal attire with no gender-based attire requirements imposed. Female students will be permitted to wear tuxedos if they chose."

Akhirnya,kes ini dtutup selepas 4 hari.


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